If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Evolution of Impossible Is Nothing
The recent Adidas' global campaign has caught my attention. You will know what I mean when you walk into the Adidas stores. The way they advertise is very unique and creative and I like it so much. I've linked some of the athlete stories from www.adidas.com to my blog. The athletes were invited to an art studio with a toy box of art supplies and presented their inspiring stories in their own way.
After telling their stories, they start selling their products:
"Want to play football like David Beckham? Or just improve your game? Whatever goal you're trying to achieve, choosing the right gear is a great place to start."
Well, I don't think it would help as I still can play good badminton with cheaper racquets (not Yonex of course). The difference is very very minor actually.

Another jap series 冗谈じゃない!


—— [冗谈じゃない!] 第一集

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Just finished this jap series [华丽なる一族] last month but haven't written anything about it. It's one of the best jap series I've ever seen. Very touching and encouraging. It has changed the way I see my job and my life. Be positive. Be professional. Be responsible.
It has brought me to a turning point, although I dunno how many turning points I will have in my life, this would be the great one.

To change da future, we must have a dream, at least.

Yet another dream girl whom I always try to find in my life, 长谷川 京子. She is 29 but 有气质 and very matured in the series. Sigh, why I'm always attracted to old woman?

He is still my most favourite actor, 木村 拓哉. Like him most in another jap series [Pride].

Sunday, April 22, 2007

刚从 JB 回来,经过 JB custom 时,人潮汹涌,你推我挤,一辆辆的旅游巴士和汽车堵在 causeway ,养精蓄锐准备进入新加坡。
为什么会有那么多人来这个小岛工作和生活呢?这么简单的问题当然不必动脑筋就能回答。如果你是想追求 $$ 和名利,想尝试先进环境的挑战,新加坡是一个不错的地方,你的回报会和努力成正比,只是没有 life 而已。
最近意识到新加坡的人口好像在一夜之间增加了好几倍,尤其是 大大小小的 shopping centre 、MRT station 、custom 、甚至 sports hall ,人数多到宁愿呆在家里睡觉也不想出来。早上搭 MRT 时,没有些许的拥挤功夫,休想挤进 MRT 里。最糟糕的是,有些人的家好像离 MRT station 蛮远的,而且好像又很赶时间似的,走得汗流浃背,没理会身边的人的感受,硬硬地挤进 MRT 里,把 MRT 搞得臭气熏天。没办法,MRT 轨道只有一条,train 只有这么多,人却 exponentially 增加,比地球上所有动物还快,不敢想象 5 年后会变成什么样。
另外一个 similar 的现象是,新加坡的 banking & financial services 越来越吃香,bonus 和 increment 拿到 siao,人们就纷纷想转行,就算不适合不喜欢、违背自己当初的梦想也不管。人多不是一件好事,现在以后,要在 banking 有立足之地,必须有过人之处,不然迟早会被淘汰的,因为实在太多人加入banking了,要 outstanding 很不容易。不怕你不做,因为一定会有人要做;不怕你 resign , 因为一定找到人代替你,而且可能薪水要求比你还低,实在残忍。能做的,就是 either 加强自己,or 降低要求。

世上没有挖不完的金矿,人要求越多,挖得越快,希望新加坡可以居安思危,so that 可以继续成为淘金天堂,我也可以安乐地退休。
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

看完了Prison Break Season 2 ,觉得没戏看的日子不好过,结果跑去租了新的港剧 《写意人生》来看。这是一部轻松的爱情喜剧,开始看了两集就上瘾了,原因只有一个——黎姿。在那部戏里,也许她就是我现在要寻找的女生。

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tarot Cards - The Chariot

You are The Chariot

Triumph, Victory, Overcoming Obstacles.

The chariot is one of the most complex cards to define. On its most basic level, it implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory. Either over enemies, obstacles, nature, the beasts inside you, or to just get what you want. But there is a great deal more to it. The charioteer wears emblems of the sun, yet the sign behind this card is the moon. The chariot is all about motion, and yet it is often shown as stationary. It is a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. Control is required over opposing emotions, wants, needs, people, circumstances; bring them together and give them a single direction, your direction. Confidence is also needed and, most especially, motivation. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

What would you do?
Tell me what would you do when

your company has announced 15,000 job-cuts globally?
your investment team big heads and many dealers have tendered their resignation letters?
your department big head who always fights for the employees' benefits have left you?

Would you
start worrying your own future? or
work harder to rescue your company? or
act nothing happen and continue to work as per normal?

I will......of course work harder to rescue my company from the hardship and cannot be so 忘恩负义, haha. Like what David Beckham said last week, "I may not have got through the things I did without the Man Utd manager, the players and the fans. I owe them everything."
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Long Weekend
The long weekend is finishing very soon. Life will be back to normal again. Sianzz, so fast!
It seems that everybody has planned early what to do during the long weekend. Most of them have gone back KL or oversea trip. Left me alone in sg...so cruel.
Bought a book Macro And VBA For Microsoft Excel from Kinokunia at Bugis and spent these 3 days to learn VBA. Not much progression as I'm not a genius in programming. Nevertheless, I believe it would be very helpful in my work to streamline the process. I should have learnt this 3 years ago in the university and now only I know its importance, dunno if it is too late now, sigh.....
Luckily most of my badminton kakis are still in this small island. Play quite frequent these few weeks and can see my body has slimmed down a lot...at least I do utilize my long weekend
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Sunday, April 01, 2007

刚从《再见。优客李林》回来,这是他们分开 10 年后重聚,在新加坡第一次也是最后一次作的演唱会,也是我第一次去他们的演唱会,感觉意义非凡!本来是没有去的,因为身边好像没有什么人懂得欣赏,刚巧多年没见的大学朋友 Gillian 很喜欢他们,就一拍即合一起去看了,所以这也是第一次和她去看演唱会。
很肯定的,唱 LIVE 的功力,现在的华人歌手没有人可以比得上林志炫。他一出场,只唱了一句就把我整个人 stun 住了。那时候我在怀疑,他的声音怎么可能会比在 CD 里还好听,连续拉高音拉了三个小时,声音还是那么吭亮清晰,真是不得不写个“服”字。之前去过五月天、陈奕迅和陶喆的演唱会都没这种大开眼界的感触,所以看完后心里在想:“幸好有去看,不然就遗憾终生了。”

由于忘了带 camera ,只好拿他们在上海演唱会的照片顶住先。