If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.
Friday, October 24, 2008
When you are knocking the door for exit, you suddenly feel the world is so silent. You would think this is a nightmare. When you discover you are not the only one, but millions of them out there, it is catastrophic.....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Dying of the light

In every journey, the traveler must ask: was the right path taken?
Many roads are long and winding, filled with those who have lost their way.
Some forge their own course, guided by faith, seeking not a location, but a kindred soul.
Others step together, finding safety in the arms of another.
A few remove themselves from the trail to avoid the path of temptation.
But those who watch the track too closely fail to see where it led them, and are often all too surprised by their destination.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

找了许久终于找到了,十月合唱团唯一的专辑《红红的太阳》。出了这张专辑以后,十年过去了,依然没有听到他们的消息,仿佛人间蒸发了。也许这是中文音乐的现实,band 很难在中文乐坛里生存。
原来也有人像我这样痴痴地在网上寻找这张专辑。由于十月合唱团知名度不高,时间也相差蛮久了,像HMV、百度和 VeryCD 等都找不到。就在心灰意冷时,最近无意中发现有人把它放在 RapidShare,不过 RapidShare 也有 limit 的,必须试了几十次才成功。