If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.
Sunday, March 25, 2007

England sucks....

You won't believe this final score 0-0 when you know it is Israel vs England. As a common sense, England has a lot of good players from elite clubs like Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal. Why can't they gel together as a whole to beat the unknown Israelians?
It is totally wasting my time. I should have been sleeping well at this hour. The entire halftime match is really boring and I keep switching to Channel23 to watch the American football, which is rather exciting albeit wild and funny.
What happen to England? The Israelians can even play fluid passings and some good moves while England is reverting to the old play - stupid long ball. The gifted talents like Rooney, Gerrard and Lennon are totally wasted. It's always manager's fault when good players are unable to deliver good results, isn't it? The weakest link (Fat Lampard) in the team is so obvious but the manager still think his belief is right. You ought to know that it's time to change when things go wrong.

(weakest link - Fat Lampard)

Would it be 0-0 if Malaysia play against England? I think it's possible, not kidding. This is the lousiest England I've ever seen....

The manager - pls sack him before too late
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
川嶋あい - compass

作词 : 川嶋あい
作曲 : 川嶋あい

守りたいものがある この場所で強くなるから
にぎりしめたこぶしをまた にぎりしめた

本当に大事なものは 言葉では伝わらない
ゆっくりゆっくりと今 その背中を見つめていたんだ
どう生きるかは自分で 決めることだとわかった
本当の勇気はきっと 優しさだったんだね
泣かないことを決めたはずなのに 涙あふれて止まらなかったよ
淋しいんじゃない 悲しいんじゃない 勇気をくれたからなんだ
旅立ちを決めた朝 止めることできなかったよ
道のつづき違うけれど 信じてるよ

勝つことや負けることは 何の意味もないんだよ
大切な人守るとき 戦えばいいんだ
人と人との摩擦を感じて 押しころしてた深い傷跡を
夢にかえて 愛にかえて 全部抱きしめて生きたい
大切なものがある あの時に誓った約束
離れてもどんなときも 忘れないよ

誰もが孤独の数だけ 心痛めつけ合うだろう
命を包む愛と絆を 忘れないで

ありがとう ありがとう
守りたいものだから この場所で守り通して
前を向いて 頑張らなきゃ辿り着けない
負けないで 負けないで いつの日かまた会えるときまで
あきらめない何があっても 歩いていこう 

La la la  La la la
La la la  La la la


因为有想守护的东西 才会在这里变得更坚强

真正重要的事 是无法用言语传达
真正的勇气 一定是非常温柔的吧
明明说好不再哭泣 眼泪还是止不住溃堤
我不寂寞我不难过 因为你们给了我勇气啊

胜利还有失败 并不代表一切
感受人与人之间的摩擦 感受被压抑的严重伤痕
回到梦中 回到爱里 好想拥抱全部活下去
我有很重要的东西 那个时候发誓的约定
即使分道扬镳 不管任何时候 永远不会忘记

任谁都只要觉得孤独 就会伤害彼此的心吧
以生命为担保的爱与牵绊 永远不会忘记

谢谢你们 谢谢你们 让我不是孤单一个人
因为想要守护你们 所以我会在这里保护你们平安渡过
不要认输 不要认输 直到我们再次相逢的那一天

La la la  La la la
La la la  La la la

** 这是川嶋あい写给海賊王第八部剧场版-ONE PIECE エピソード オブ アラバスタ~砂漠の王女と海賊たち~的主题曲。越来越喜欢川嶋あい,现在有谁的实力比她更好?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Give me a compass and I'll lead you to the destiny

不管结果会是怎样,还得继续航行下去,大家一起 gambateh 吧!

亚洲最适合居住的城市 by 香港环球人力资源研究机构EAC國際:
1st Singapore
2nd 日本神户
3rd 日本 Tokyo 和 大阪
5th HongKong
6th Macau
7th Taipei
8th Bangkok
9th Kuala Kumpur
12th George Town

原来 Singapore 是最好住的城市,住在这里这么多年了,怎么还没发觉到?我想大概是因为这里犯罪率低,社会政治稳定,基本设施完善,空气清新和政府工作效率高。但讲到这里的食物、历史、文化底蘊和旅游胜景,我倒觉得它比其他城市逊色不少,缺少东方的色彩。感觉上这里处处被钢筋水泥围堵着,太过刻板,生活步伐一天比一天快,但又逃不出去。从人性角度来说,这里就像一坐完美的监狱.....
Saturday, March 17, 2007
喝采 - 当张国荣遇上陈百强


朋友介绍的,看了后不知道想讲它恶心,还是有创意。还是那一句,Malaysia Boleh!!!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Amazing Rally

Amazing badminton rally between Koreans 李龙大/郑在成 and Indonesians Tony Gunawan/Chandra Wijaya at the recent All England Open 2007. Great defense by the two pairs. It's probably the longest rally in the badminton history, with a total of 92 racket shots (figure given by other people, not me, I have no time to count). The Indonesians won 21-18, 23-21 and cruised into the semi-final.

Below is another classic rally. The attackers smashed like siao and must be super sianz. Their smashing shots killed themselves in the end.

Sunday, March 11, 2007
是的,真的没有像几个月前对打球那么热诚。那时候一个星期可以打三、四次,现在顶多打一次。平时除了加班,还有许多 commitment 要做,没有多余的时间可以打球。不过,对羽球的热忱还是在的,昨晚呆在家里看全英赛,从 830pm 看到 1100pm ,为的就是支持我们国家的两位战士—古健杰和陈文宏。结果当然是 Malaysia Boleh ,他们不负众望地闯进了决赛,于今晚对付两位中国佬,希望他们能够更上一层楼,突破中国队的垄断。

Sunday, March 04, 2007
原来今天是元宵节,是收到朋友的 sms 祝福才知道。


很喜欢辛弃疾写的 《青玉案 元夕》:

宝马雕车香满路,凤萧声动,壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞 。
众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首, 那人却在,


Friday, March 02, 2007

Recently I had some miserable encounters with our assistant bankers. My precious days were ruined by their woeful 'performance'.
I'm not sure what measurement my bank normally takes to hire an assistant banker(or AB). But I'm pretty sure that many ABs here do not have basic banking and product knowledge. I think they were selected just simply because they can talk very well. Maybe it's a bit harsh to say so, but I have had several ocassions when they kept asking me stupid questions until I wanted to smash my monitor screen. They don't know how to distinguish bond and equity, don't have income tax knowledge, don't know what is ISIN, don't know how to use Bloomberg terminal, don't know saturday and sunday are not business days, not IT literate, not aware of some practices which have been implemented for 6 months and the worst thing is....they don't know how to pronounce my name!

"Chee..........." the AB stopped halfway and I broke the silence, "Chee Kien speaking..."

"May I speak to Chee K...eong?" Excuse me, my name is Chee Kien.

"Hi Chee, ...." they exclude "Kien" without my consent at the first place.

"May I speak to Chee Heng?" Sorry, I'm Chee Kien, not Chee Heng.
"You not Chee Heng?" Yes.....(how many times you want me to confirm huh?)

I'm just wondering how they manage their sophiscated private clients effectively. Maybe they are too busy to serve their clients until they have no time to learn all these basic stuff. It's okie, I can understand because "client first" is our utmost goal in this year. However, there are some ABs who never study the procedure but always like to put all the blames on us whenever something goes wrong.
Initially we would be kind enough to show them the right way in a polite manner. But unfortunately, some of them are underestimated and assail us with slander vigorously. In the end, white and black is still the most powerful weapon. Everything written in the procedure is the agreement made by the management.
Another funny thing is, they always think operations know everything. Many ABs always come to me and ask what is the coupon calculation of structured product, what is the libor rate, how to derive the formula, what is the spread, etc. Sometimes the middle office rang me up and asked if I got term sheet for certain products. Sigh...it sounds like operations officer is a CFA, actuarist or trader. If so, the bank should consider sunset the product desk and let operations take over their jobs.
Nevertheless, to be fair, I do salute our Australian ABs for their business knowledge. They are really smart and professional albeit demanding.

*** A few days ago a client asked us about the interest and principal payment of a default bond he bought. He don't know why he received such payments and how they are derived. Hmmm, if you don't know the product well, why you still buy it? If you know it well and buy it, why you still ask?