If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
10’ 12”

为什么歌名是十分十二寸呢?那是因为 Ah Lam 把那个时代很红的歌曲串烧在一起唱,为时十分钟十二秒。很有意思咧。
那个时代,应该是 1980 到 1990 吧,大概有十年。

Thursday, November 20, 2008
It's coming
My company's retrenchment finally kicked start yesterday. The news that 53,000 staff to be cut worldwide has rocked everybody's life here.
The retrenchment for our business group, Global Wealth Management, first took place in the front/middle offices yesterday and today. The process is very simple and quick.
Firstly the staff will receive phone call and will be told to proceed to the meeting room., then he/she will see the manager and HR there. After a few minutes of discussion, the staff will go back, pack personal stuff and surrender his/her staff pass. He/she will be monitored by somebody from Control. An IT guy will help remove the staff's access to the company system and shut down everything. The whole process must be finished within 2 hours as required. Then finally the staff will be escorted out of office by the Control person. The actual process may vary a bit because I haven't experienced that yet! Sigh...
Many people cried when they saw their colleagues packing their personal stuff, because their colleagues were just gone like that in a sudden. And the most frightening part is when you are waiting anxiously for the phone call, like a prisoner waiting for death execution. You have no idea whether you would be the next. In this case, no matter what, we should be well prepared ourselves first. If it's coming, so be it, we can't change it.
Heard that there would be another round of retrenchment in Feb next year, just after we finish celebrating Chinese New Year. It sounds cruel, isn't it? Sigh....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
When we embrace what lies within, our potential has no limit.
The future is filled with promise; the present rife with expectation.
When we deny our instinct, and struggle against our deepest urges, uncertainty begins.
Where does this path lead? When will the changes end?
Is this transformation a gift or a curse?
For those who fear what lies ahead, the most important question of all: Can we ever really change what we are?

~~ Heroes season one, episode "The Fix"
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dow Jones Industrial Average 2008












~~ 游枝:朝日隨筆 -- 金融界的美國病(9) (www.chinapress.com.my @ 18 Nov 2008)

许多美国人都想成为 Warren Buffet 第二,通过股市迅速致富,而不是脚踏实地去白手起家。
没有坚持和要求,想通过时间的考验是很难的,像 CYMA 广告所说:“未曾经历,如何懂得。”
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Investing For Dummies
不舍得你 - 吕方

今天 7 点起床,陪女友吃早餐,然后送她到 Gombak mrt,回家之前还买了 Mr. Bean 的豆花汤圆,吃完了就继续睡觉。
不用上班的日子真的很悠闲,喜欢做什么就做什么。下午去了 Bugis 逛逛、拜拜神,希望家人健康平安,自己也能心想事成。
买了一本书叫做 Investing For Dummies,亦即写给 "sei chun" (死蠢) 的投资书籍,作者是一名 MBA,里面有关于各种不同类型的投资,从股票到房屋地产,由浅入深,相当的 hands-on。买之前考虑了蛮久,因为 Dummies 这个字眼好像不是很称自己,我应该不属于 "sei chun" 的行列吧。不过,当读了几页的内容后,才发觉自己懂的其实不多,只算是略懂而已。在银行里做了四年,学到的只是皮毛而已,真惭愧。投资的范围也太广了,各种类型的投资都能帮你赚钱,是一门活到老学到老的游戏。
其实现在 inflation rate 这么高,bank saving rate 和薪水的 increment rate 又这么低,不学点投资的技巧又怎么能够生存呢?虽然说投资这种东西不是包赢的,有时糊里糊涂的人会赢钱,很会计算的人反而输到损手烂脚,不过懂得多比较可以避免踩到地雷,你比较会知道自己在买什么,我也不想等到年老时把毕生的储蓄付之一炬。

Noble Group 在 2006 年的电视广告 —— Hands On Supply Chain Management,蛮有趣的。Hands on 很重要,动手做的过程中会加深对掌握技能的印象,比凭空想象和空口说痴话好多了。所以凡事都要动手做,你才能了解当中的"苦"。

Saturday, November 08, 2008
Is it really forever?

Watching English Premier League (EPL) live match is not an easy thing, especially when you have been a loyal supporter for the team for many years. When things are not in your team's favor, you may grumble all the way till the match finishes. If the team lose badly, you may throw the TV controller away, or hit the sofa so loud that the neighbor knocks your door for complaint.

You gotta accept ups and downs, which they happen in our life as well. No one can always win. No one is always the losing side too. This is the universal rule God always convey to us through real life experience, isn't it? However, to understand it is easy, to do it is a bit difficult, at least for me.

Maybe this is a game designed by God for those people with low EQ. Isn't it funny to see these people throwing their tempers just because of a soccer ball? I always say this to myself after I have calmed down.

Well, okay, I'm just a human, with inadequate evolution yet.
Friday, November 07, 2008
A hero, or a villain?

Have started my 2 weeks compliance leave since this Tuesday. It's a good and necessary break after going through the hustles to earn a good living.
While having my lunch at the nearby kopitiam these few days, I can always find people who are in their mid 30's or 40's sitting there aimlessly with a cup of coffee or tea on the table. Are they serving their compliance leave too? Or they have lost their jobs due to the recent market turmoil?
Life is not easy. The same goes for being a good man.
Now I realize that it's a luxury to live alone and never bother what's going on around you. People tend to exert pressures on you to live up to their expectation. You just can't escape from your current post and do whatever you want.
Thirty years ago life might be a lot easier. Many people claim that we have much better living standard now. We have Internet, eye-catching handphones, mp3 players, cameras, iMac and many many other great millennial innovations. But if we ask our parents or grandparents, I'm sure they would rather live in the old times. Nowadays the food are toxic, the water and air are polluted, the weather is unpredictable, the government and public debt are unprecedented, money are getting smaller.....
The 2-week break is helpful. When you are not working and staying at home with your mind floating in the air, you tend to ponder the real thing you should pursue in life. The question "Is this really what you want?" always cross my mind and it could bombard me the whole day.
Okay, I need a break. Yes, I'm having it right now.....

It's all happening so fast. My life is a speeding train and I'm not sure where it's headed. One thing is certain, I've been given a second chance, touched by God and I've got to believe that he has a purpose for my life. So why am I filled with self-doubt? Plagued by demons, real and imaginary? Frightened by the challenges ahead, and haunted by the ghosts of my past? Does God know what I am? Do I? Am I an angel, or a monster? A hero, or a villain? And why can't I see the difference?

~~ Heroes season 3, chapter 5 - Angels and Monster

Sunday, November 02, 2008
The Superhero

Do you always think of being the superhero for yourself or your love ones?
Well, you have a chance to do it now, in www.photofunia.com