Had been sponsored by my company to attend the
de Bono's Lateral Thinking/ Six Thinking Hats course at Singapore Institute of Management(SIM) for the past two days. The course was conducted by Sir Peter Low, a very brilliant trainer who also shared a lot of funny jokes with us, made the course so lively and effervescent. It is the best training I have ever gone so far because it gives me a "PO!" and then "AH!", I have been a brainless creature for 26 years!
We are taught to eat, we are taught to walk, we are taught to speak, but we are never taught to think. I just realized that I seldom put on my cap to think properly how I want my life and my work to be. I always go by feeling rather than sitting down to think, because I used to tell myself that I had no time to think and now I know that I didn't have the right skills to think as well. I hope the two-day course could be longer, because I only manage to capture its concept, but not the entire skills to deal with different circumstances.
However, after this course, I'll be more determined to do what I want in my life and my work. No waste time. Skills, experience plus a little bit of luck are the elements for success. Yes, everybody know it I think, but who can consciously follow the paths he is supposed to follow?
You don't necessarily stand at the top to be the top. The great satisfaction always comes when you beat the top unexpectedly.
use brain to think!. =p