I still cannot get over from your death yet. Saw an article written by a Zard fans, Wai-Man from Holland and I almost broke into tears:
"These past two days had been a torture. All I did was eating and sleeping, eating and sleeping. Just the bare minimum to survive. And it's only when I'm sleeping I can forget about everything. The report I've been working on needs to be finished by next month. But I still haven't put down a single word, ever since I knew about the tragic news. I don't remember anymore what I did exactly the first day. The second day has been even worse, because it was then that I realized you were really gone, and that this all wasn't just a bad nightmare. Worst of all is that I can't find comfort anymore while listening to your songs. It used to be my favorite passing time. But it makes me so sad that I'm afraid to touch my own music player...I feel guilty that I've been living so carefree the past year, while you were fighting for your life. Why you didn't want to let us know? You've always encouraged us with your music, whenever we feel down. But now that you needed the support the most, we couldn't do anything to help you at all. Please tell me you haven't suffered until the very last moment. It will break my heart otherwise. Why did you work so hard to make a comeback in your condition? There was really no need. You are always no.1 in my heart. You should have waited until you were fully recovered. I don't mind to wait, no matter how many years it might be...I miss the joy we had whenever there was an annoucement of a new release. The joy when the cover was revealed with your photo. The first sample of the song with your voice that we will always hear from Wezard.net. The hunt to find the new PV for your song, even though it might be only a slideshow. I didn't care at all! I will miss this everything. To know there won't be any new releases anymore is just too much...I will try to be strong for you. And maybe someday I will be able to tell everyone how proud I am of you. Yes, it's truely an honor to be a Zard fan. Hope you are well."I know I cannot look forward to your new singles or albums again. Your wonderful stories have ended in the year of 2007. I will remember it and will continue to play your previous songs whenever I miss you, till the last breath of my life.....

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