Recently we always make 'weather forecast of the office' via daily horoscopes in the 我报 newspaper because we found that what it says is quite true sometimes. I do believe in the horoscope thingy. Well, after I found out some Cancer celebrities from the web, I felt that I'm the lousy and unlucky Cancer. What a disgrace...Another bad news from the boss today that the citi global average increment this year is only 2%....2% of my salary less 20% CPF, it's just ngam ngam enough to cover my monthly expense on MRT rides to office. Aduh kesiannya :(

周星驰 (Stephen Chow)
22 June 1962

梁朝伟 (Tony Leung)
27 June 1962

Raúl González Blanco (Real Madrid captain)
27 June 1977

Zinedine Zidane
23 June 1972

陶喆 (David Tao)
11 July 1969

张学友 (Jacky Chueng)
10 July 1961

Rain (Jeong Ji-Hoon)
25 June 1982

Tom Cruise
3 July 1962
## 这些巨蟹中,我最欣赏周星驰。他和梁朝伟在年轻时是很要好的朋友,两个人都很爱一起演戏。那时候他们一起投考 TVB 演员训练班,结果只有梁朝伟被入取(是因为他太帅吧)。不帅的周星驰并没有放弃,他从不起眼的小配角做起,不断的努力,懂得利用自己独特的搞笑天份,现在他获得的成就可以说是奇迹。最喜欢他在食神里的 Quote “你估我唔到!” (you can't figure me out!) 。这句话放在他的身上最贴切,从小看他演戏,真的没想到他会成为 Legend 。成功不是偶然,除了努力和天份,还要配合天时地利人和。而他,是很好的学习榜样....
Me okie wat,not bad