If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.
Monday, January 08, 2007
撑! 撑! 撑!

做得对,做得快,只是应做的本份,不算是表现好。要表现特出,还得做 project 做 system enhancement,不可以出错。问题在于,daily production 从早上 9 点做到晚上 7 点多,都已经精疲力竭了,眼睛也痛得张不开来,怎会还有额外的精力去做 system enhancement。放工后还得搭一个小时多的地铁,回到家时已经奄奄一息,吃的晚餐也感觉冷冷的。也许,如果我是死心踏地为这个 bank 赴汤蹈火的话,我会把业余时间奉献出来做 system enhancement。只可惜,我不是.....

You have to stretch within your own time limit....我好想说我已尽力 stretch 了,再 stretch 就会爆了。Volume 增加了,risk control 和 job function 也增加了,为什么人手还是一样没变?

We must have work-life balance.....赞同这个 idea 的 management 可能只躲在房间里睡觉,没有出来看看下属每晚做到几点才放工。

VOE survey 比往年的好,难道越来越多人喜欢留下来?可能问题只出现在我身上,所以每次很不满的时候,都会这样骂自己:

You are paid to do this job. Don't complain and grumble. If you don't like it, you can quit asap because many people are queuing to join this bank, the largest US bank.

是我不适合 Operations 吧?能够动脑筋解问题的机会越来越少,每天重复做相同的东西,感觉上像一部机器,也很家里的 maid,不同的是,我可以穿西装衣裤去上班,薪水比她高而已。

是我不会知足常乐、安于现状,还是这个 bank 真的很 “下水” 呢?

## 明天又有 team meeting 了,又是针锋相对的时候。Agenda 上写的大概是 new year challenges, work efficiency, teamwork 等等之类。人往往只能改变对事情的看法,却改变不了事情的本质.....真可悲
Blogger Fizi said...
I guess.... Banking Operation is far more better than Semiconductor Operation 吧!