Just finished writing my so called 1st formal resignation letter. Although it's just a very short letter, I had spent more than half an hour to complete it. A lot of memories with Citi flashed back in my mind. The 3 years relationship is not short. I believe I'll have a super hard feeling handing the letter to my manager tomorrow.
I still remember the scene when my manager Annie interviewed me in a RSC meeting room(now has been removed due to expansion) on 16 Aug 2004. She was pregnant and I was still considered as a fresh graduate without any banking knowledge, doing some part time jobs while seriously looking for my 1st permanent job in banking. The interview session was quite short as I only gave very simple answer for each question she asked. I was also asked to do a coupon calculation, which now I think how super easy it is. I stunt for a while but managed to answer it correctly later. At the end, I thought I had failed it badly and could never join Citi again.
Anyway, I was just lucky enough to be offered a 3-month contract position in the Corporate Action team. Without hesitating, I agreed and started my 3 year-life in Citi on 17 Aug 2004.....